Cristina Bodnărescu's profile

Evolution - virtual interactive experience

Evolution, virtual interactive experience, 2021

3 rooms
6 million years of human evolution

Experience how the limits of humanity as we know it transcend from the first signs of civilization towards a metaphorical transhumanism in this virtual museum.

Viewing the world as a place where human evolution goes from apelike ancestors towards a brain-computer interface, I imagined an enclosed space that brings together 6 million years of evolution in only 3 rooms representative of the past, the present and the future. The virtual space aesthetically evokes a traditional modern museum, with identical rooms, the only difference lying in the exhibits and the sounds the objects emit. The sound component of the experience is very important for the narrative thread, each exhibit triggering a specific soundscape, intended to briefly but comprehensively portray each of the stages of our evolution.

Evolution was created in Unity, using free 3D models from the Smithsonian Museum Library. Each object exhibited in the virtual space emits a soundscape, which I created in Reaper using both free and recorded samples. 

Moving within the virtual space is done by interacting with the mouse and keyboard. WASD for directions, Shift for running and ctrl for crouching. Mouse to orient the camera and left click to zoom in on details.
Sensors used: webcam and proximity sensors which allow the sound to change its amplitude depending on the user's position in relation to certain objects. Evolution uses a twitter API to retrieve real-time messages from Twitter and displays them on LED screens in the second room.


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Evolution - virtual interactive experience


Evolution - virtual interactive experience
